Investor Relations. Kjell Arne Hansen. noun_Email_707352. Contact. Share Price Ticker. TietoEVRY Corporation (Hel) 30/03/2021 18:29 Last: 26.60 Change: -0.75 % Volume: 167,928 OMX (Hel) 30/03/2021 18:30 Last: 11,571.77 Change: +0.06 % TietoEVRY Corporation (STO) 30/03/2021 17:29 Last: 271.80 Change: -0.44 % Volume: 3,448 OMX (STO) 30/03/2021 17:30


Maija Hongas, Manager, Investor Relations, Kojamo Plc, tel. +358 20 508 3004. Erik Hjelt, CFO, Kojamo Plc, tel. +358 20 508 3225. Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki, Irish Stock Exchange, key media. Kojamo is Finland's largest private residential real estate company and a

+358 20 508 3004 Erik Hjelt, CFO, Kojamo Plc, tel. +358 20 508 3225. Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki, Irish Stock Exchange, key media. Kojamo is Finland’s largest private residential real estate company and a frontrunner in the housing business.

Kojamo investor relations

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14 feb. 2019 — Kojamo Plc Stock Exchange Release, 14 February 2019 at 8:15 a.m. EET Maija Hongas, Manager, Investor Relations, Kojamo Plc, tel. 30 apr. 2019 — Maija Hongas, Manager, Investor Relations, Kojamo Plc, maija.hongas@kojamo.​fi tel. +358 20 508 3004. Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki, Key  10 sep.

Maija Hongas, Manager, Investor Relations, Kojamo Plc, tel. +358 20 508 3004. Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki, Key media. Kojamo is Finland's largest private residential real estate company and a frontrunner in the housing business.

Business operations; Financial information; Share; Shareholders; Corporate governance; Releases and publications; Investor relations and investor calendar; Listing; Annual Report 2019; Careers. Kojamo as an employer; Kojamo employees; Summer job at Kojamo; Open positions; Responsibility The newsletter is available on Kojamo’s investor pages or you can subscribe to it via e-mail.

Investors Business operations. Kojamo in brief; Kojamo as an investment; CEO review; Strategy implementation; Investments; Near-term risks and uncertainties; Financial information. Outlook and strategic targets; Glossary for investors; Formulas used in the calculation of key figures; Financing and bonds. EMTN programme March 20 2020; Senior Unsecured Bond March 7 2018

Maija Hongas, Manager, Investor Relations, Kojamo Plc, tel. +358 20 508 3004. Erik Hjelt, CFO, Kojamo Plc, tel.

Kojamo investor relations

Information   IR News. Investor Relations Corporate Profile More > Group Limited Listing Annual Report 2019 Kojamo as an investment Kojamo is a frontrunner in   {{ $select.selected.num + '. ' +$ }}. {{ eCtrl.event.layout.
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Maija Hongas, Manager, Investor Relations, Kojamo Plc, tel. +358 20 508 3004. Distribution. Nasdaq Helsinki. Kojamo is Finland’s largest private residential real estate company and a frontrunner in the housing business.

Nasdaq Helsinki.
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Aktieägare i de relaterade bolagen äger också aktier i Kojamo Oyj. Andelen 19 % anger hur många av SimCorp-ägarna som även har Kojamo Oyj i sin portfölj. Informationen bygger på dagsaktuellt ägande …

Erik Hjelt, CFO, Kojamo Plc, tel. +358 20 508 3225.

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Kojamo's Annual General Meeting was held on 17 March 2021 in Sanomatalo, 

Investor calendar. The investor calendar allows you to follow Kojamo’s investor releases and events as well as subscribe them to your email. Read more. The tariff for calling our company telephone numbers (+358 20 508 xxxx) is, according to the operator’s tariffs, 8.35 cents per call + 6.55 cents per minute for domestic calls from landlines, and 8. Investors Business operations. Kojamo in brief; Kojamo as an investment; CEO review; Strategy implementation; Investments; Near-term risks and uncertainties; Financial information. Outlook and strategic targets; Glossary for investors; Formulas used in the calculation of key figures; Financing and bonds.